Discipleship Plans

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Discipleship Plans

Annual Discipleship Plans

The Michigan Conference is committed to proclaiming the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. Following Jesus’ method, our aim is to Grow Michigan churches through a five-stage evangelistic process that includes: (1) preparing the soil of the heart with friendship and compassionate service, (2) planting the seeds of God’s Word with literature, (3) cultivating spiritual interests with Bible studies, (4) harvesting decisions for Christ and the truth with public evangelistic meetings, and (5) preserving new members with ongoing discipleship.

This comprehensive evangelistic strategy is reflected in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, which states that the primary concern of every church board is to “ensure that there is an active, ongoing discipleship plan in place, which includes both spiritual nurture and outreach ministries.” To this end, every church in the Michigan Conference is required to complete a comprehensive Discipleship Plan for the upcoming year.