Religious Liberty Media Resources

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Religious Liberty Media Resources

Digital Media Resources





Time to Get Political?

Seminar examines Scripture, the Spirit of Prophecy, and Adventist history to provide guidance on when to engage in the public arena and offers insights on political involvement.
Cody Francis



Emergence of the Image of the Beast

Presenter shows how Protestant thought leaders & pastors are paving the way for a merging of church & state & how America's role in prophecy is currently unfolding.
Joe Reeves



Faith or Politics Panel Discussion

Panelists explore politics, voting, & prophecy from an Adventist perspective, addressing the shift towards other worldviews on these issues.
Cody Francis, Joe Reeves, Amy Ratsara, Phil Mills, Kurt Dewitt, & Andy Im



True & False Religious Liberty

Seminar series covers true versus apostate Protestantism, authentic versus false religious revivals, & current religious liberty issues, including Supreme Court decisions.
Jonathon Cherne




End Time Events & Religious Liberty Implications

Prophecies about the final conflict, including major events & powers opposing God's people are examined, with a focus on implications for religious liberty.
Norman McNulty



Tactics of Civil Engagement: Adventist Abolitionists 

Historical documents show that early Adventist leaders were actively involved in the abolitionist movement.
Kevin Burton



Early Pioneers & Civic Engagement

What does prophecy reveal about the crushing blow to religious liberty & how the end will play out?
Dwight Nelson



Religious Liberty Summit

Panelists explore the emerging threat to religious freedom as predicted in Revelation 13, highlighting the critical role of the United States in end-time events.
Dwight Nelson, Alan Reinach, Marc Woodson, moderator Steve Allred, & others



Broken: The polarization of American society

Panelists explore the detrimental effects of partisan politics on the church & how Christian nationalism impedes the global mission of spreading the everlasting gospel.
Jennifer Woods, Mabio Neto, & Andy Im



Adventism According to CNN & Bill Maher

Explore examples where the term "conspiracy theorist" has been accurately applied & misapplied, & discover ways Adventists can maintain integrity & credibility amidst speculation & rumors.
Joe Reeves



I Know Something You Don't Know

People are drawn towards conspiracy theories. Adventists should be cautious and refrain from speculation because doing so can damage our credibility and diminish our influence.
Cody Francis



Between a Rock & a Hard Place

As threats to religious liberty increase, it's crucial to uphold our end-time message and missional focus as historically understood within the Seventh-day Adventist community.
Bettina Krause



Is Health a Religious Liberty Issue?

The health message is biblical and a matter of personal conviction. But is it a religious liberty issue?
Jonathon Cherne



Significance of Recent SCOTUS Decisions

The role of the judicial branch in the context of Revelation 13 is discussed, and recent decisions of the United States Supreme Court are considered.
Jonathon Cherne



NAD Religious Liberty Conference

NAD-sponsored event explores ways to talk about religious freedom within a politically polarized America. Held on the campus of Southern Adventist University from Oct. 20-21, 2023.
Various Presenters



Biblical Foundations for Religious Liberty

Religious liberty perspectives in the Adventist church vary, causing disunity and confusion. What were our past priorities in this area, and what should we prioritize moving forward?
Joe Reeves




Making Sense of Religious Liberty

Do the land beast's actions in Rev. 13 relate to historical slavery and contemporary societal injustice? Does the Spirit of Prophecy view this beast as symbolizing a secular, totalitarian takeover in the US?
Andy Im



Challenges Discussing Religious Liberty

While liberty is one of the most cherished rights in modern times, defining it has proven challenging. How does the prophetic perspective shed light on the ongoing challenges to liberty?
Cody Francis



Union of Church & State: Is It Happening?

How does the Adventist church view church-state separation in the US? What does the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy say? Following the presentation, panelists discuss this important topic.
Jonathon Cherne, Steven Conway, Laura Im, & Andy Im



Religious Liberty [What is It & How Does the Church Approach It?]

What does the Adventist church mean by religious liberty, & are we to protect it for others outside our faith?
Jennifer Woods, Orland Johnson, Sam Neves, & Jennifer Stymiest



Revelation 13: The Establishment Clause

A study exploring the Spirit of Prophecy and the viewpoints of our pioneers in relation to the establishment clause of the US Constitution and the historical positions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church concerning religious liberty.
Mark Howard



Adventists & Religious Liberty Goes to Fair

What does the Chicago World Fair of 1893 have to do with religious liberty and Seventh-day Adventists?
Amy Ratsara



Liberty Unshaken

The threat to religious liberty will arise from the collaboration of a three-part alliance.
Norman McNulty



Religious Liberty: GYC Seminar Series

Seminar series addresses religious liberty in relation to health, partisan politics, church-state separation, and social justice, among other topics.
Mark Howard, Amy Ratsara, John Shin, & panelist Jasper St. Bernard & moderator Andy Im




Adventism & Religious Liberty

Various religious liberty topics discussed, including Adventist understanding of church-state separation, posture towards civil authorities, freedom of speech, vaccines, & Christian nationalism.
Dan McGrath, Steven Conway, Amy Ratsara, Cody Francis, & moderator Andy Im