Pastor Mark Finley Inspires Faith and Commitment

By Georgia Schulze -  August 7, 2024


Pastor Mark Finley Inspires Faith and Commitment

Earlier this summer, those attending the 2024 Michigan Conference Camp Meeting had the opportunity to hear several messages by evangelist Pastor Mark Finley, who shared the joy he has found in Christ and ministry. #


1 Timothy 1:12 says, “...I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.” In both this passage and the continuing verses, Paul recognizes how incredible it is that an infinite and perfect God desires us to work with Him in laboring for souls. Our work in sharing the gospel with others, especially as Jesus’ Second Coming draws closer, brings us to an even greater understanding of love and grace. 

Earlier this summer, those attending the 2024 Michigan Conference Camp Meeting had the opportunity to hear several messages by evangelist Pastor Mark Finley, who shared the joy he has found in Christ and ministry. Many were moved by the Holy Spirit as Pastor Finley spoke on end-time topics including hope, mission, and God’s power. 

Pastor Finley made several remarkable points about how God is active today in protecting His people and seeking the lost. Over the course of the four nights on which he spoke, Pastor Finley recounted numerous stories of his first-hand experience with God’s power. He describes these events saying, “I see God doing impossible miracles… it drives you to your knees.”

It was a blessing to hear these stories and an amazing opportunity for individuals to see how God is performing miracles today as well as how He has provided for and strengthened mission efforts. 

In addition to presenting a call for God’s people to share the gospel with others during these last days, Pastor Finley also invited them to experience it themselves. He shared uplifting messages of hope focused on God’s grace and Jesus’ Second Coming, as well as several appeals, resulting in thirty-nine decisions for baptism and hundreds of recommitments! 

Pastor Finley’s messages aligned with several focuses he currently has in his ministry. He states, “I want to do everything I can to impact young pastors; to shape and direct their ministry so that they can be powerful preachers for Christ and preachers of the Three Angels’ Message and preachers of the prophetic message that God gave to the church.” 

Pastor Finley’s words at Camp Meeting no doubt reached the pastors attending as well as many of the church members. 

In addition to providing encouragement and motivation for new, and seasoned, pastors, Pastor Finley also wants “to get the message out to as many people as [he] possibly can” which he is currently working to accomplish through HopeLives365, where individuals can listen to recordings of his sermons and find other important resources to assist them in their spiritual journey. 

We are grateful to Pastor Finley for taking the time to come and speak at the 2024 Michigan Camp Meeting, as well as for his willingness to dedicate his life to God and to share his experiences and love for soul-winning. 

The words so passionately spoken at Camp Meeting are a reflection of Pastor Finley’s goal for his own life: “At the end of my life, I want to be remembered as a man of faith, a man of God, a man that loved people, and a man that poured out his life for Jesus, to see people saved.”